Drive All Day is out! Read a sample chapter here.

I’m way beyond excited to announce the release of my third book. It’s a collection of true-life stories from a musician, moi, who’s toured and taught for over 30 years. I tell you about my visit to New York City where I almost got to be on national TV (if only I could twerk), the creative excuses I get from my students including “We couldn’t find her guitar” (it was in their van), and a gig where a heckler climbed on stage with me. I write about women’s music festivals, Alix Dobkin, Alison Bechdel, and how I came to perform in a trio calling itself “We Aren’t Dead Yet.” I rant about Spotify, who paid me a princely 10 cents one quarter, and include a list of 23 things you should never tell a musician. Number one? “Did you have insurance on that?”

Buy the book at Goldenrod, Book Baby Bookshop or if you want to support the evil empire, Amazon. (Not that I have a strong opinion. I still get paid.)

Sample chapter below!

Sample chapter: Hallelujah

            When I first got the day hospice gig, I envisioned beds filled with weak looking people, surrounded by solemn loved ones, my soothing music helping them rest. Turned out they’d rather hear “Eight Days a Week” or “Wagon Wheel.” I played in a comfortable living room, not a bed in sight. There was usually a raucous card game going on as a volunteer pushed a cart with snacks and juice served in elegant wine glasses.

            I always looked for Andrew when I arrived for my shift. When I first met him a year ago, a middle-aged white guy in casual clothes, brown hair carefully combed to the side, he was thin and moving slowly. Even though he kidded me about the ukulele he sometimes looked my way and smiled when I did a song he liked. Turned out he just liked to hassle me since he played a “superior” instrument, the guitar.

            After being away for the summer I came into the living room, I moved a chair, unfolded the music stand and pulled the ukulele out of the case. While I tuned, I looked around for Andrew. When I didn’t see him my first thought was, did he pass? I always wondered when I saw someone one week and not the next. It could simply be that they recovered or went to another hospice; however, it could be the inevitable. Fifteen minutes passed before Andrew strolled into the room with an energetic step. He looked better than that first time, his color robust, so my thoughts switched to something more positive – maybe he was recovering?

            I didn’t know anything about Andrew’s health. We weren’t allowed to ask why the clients were there unless they brought it up, we only provided art projects, card games, food, massage, and music. I was usually background music to a decibel-busting card game. Someone played a good hand and they all screamed with laughter, then pointed fingers at Andrew, accusing him of having cards up his sleeve. I didn’t care that they found euchre more interesting than my music. They were there to enjoy themselves and perhaps forget about pain and hospitals and what their last test revealed. Once in a while I saw a foot tapping or lips moving to the lyrics. Sometimes they clapped after I finished a song. Usually they didn’t. They didn’t know I’d toured over thirty years or that I recorded thirteen albums. It didn’t matter.

            Andrew told me he liked Credence Clearwater Revival so one week I brought in songs for him. Partway through “Bad Moon Rising” I realized it was one of those songs where you don’t really hear the lyrics until you sing them. There I was cheerfully singing about rage and ruin at the end of the world when I decided that one verse and chorus was enough. I switched to “Down on the Corner.” An upbeat song about buskers was much better.

            One week I brought the guitar. Andrew grinned and commented, “You brought the big boy!” “Big girl!” I corrected and we laughed.

            I’m good at faces, bad at names. I remember Andrew because he was there every time. He doesn’t always recall my name and sometimes he looks confused when I bring up his guitar playing, like he can’t fathom how I know he plays. Some weeks we’ve had conversations about kinds of music and guitars but his meds probably scramble his brain. As long as he enjoys our talks in the moment, it’s good.

            One day Andrew was in the parking lot smoking a cigarette when I walked up for my gig. “Oh good, it’s you” he said between puffs. “When it’s not you, that lady with the harp shows up and I’m not ready for that yet.”

            One day an elderly gentleman slowly lowered himself into a recliner near me. A volunteer covered his lap with a blanket. He confided that he couldn’t sing or remember the words to anything. I assured him that it didn’t matter. When I got to the chorus of “Brown Eyed Girl” I invited him to sing along. He softly sang in a creaky voice, “La-la-la la-la-la-la …”  “See, you can remember the words!” I complimented him. A smile lit up his face.

            A young woman in her thirties was often there. She wore a turban and sat next to an oxygen tank. As I was packing up one day she smiled and commented that she liked those old songs. Old songs? Did she not hear me play “Riptide?” Okay, one song out of thirty written after 1980 did not count. I had to give my musician’s ego a firm “down girl.”

            I was strumming a rhythmic song one day and looked up to see a thin woman, half her jaw missing but still smiling and bouncing up and down. “I love that song!” she exclaimed after I was done, telling me how much she loved that band. “Do you know anything else by them?” I didn’t but she was happy to boogie along to the next song I did. I only saw her that one time.

            The volunteers, mostly older women, were sweet. They sat near clients, talking or simply sitting in silence. One gave hand massages. One, in her eighties, was usually dressed in pastels, her white hair carefully curled. She clapped to my faster songs, usually off beat. She sang, even when she didn’t know the words.

                The clients were fairly mobile, some using a wheelchair or walker, and only there for the day. We got them out of their house, gave their caretakers a break, and offered social time and something to do.

            One day one of the volunteers leaned down to me between songs and quietly said, “A client passed in one of the back rooms. He’ll be wheeled down the hallway and when that happens there’s a moment of silence.” A few minutes later she said softly, “It’s time.” I’d been singing Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah.” I stopped, the last chord gently fading away. We all turned toward the hall as a group of people, heads bowed, pushed a covered gurney slowly by. A minute later, the boisterous card game resumed and I finished “Hallelujah,” fighting tears.

Posted in comedy, Folk music, LGBT music, music, Music business, music lessons, Playing the guitar, Playing the ukulele, Stories from the road, Women's Music | Leave a comment

Now it’s time to drive all day

I won’t pretend this Pandemic has been good. However, for writers, it’s meant more time to, well, write. I used to have weekends crowded with gigs and social activities. Now I have two clear days to do some of the other things I love. I’ve written a third book. It’s only a first draft right now but has that ever stopped me from blabbing about my work?

Drive All Day (Because I’m Too Old to Drive All Night) is a memoir like my first book, Drive All Night. Like that one, this new one has tour stories. Thing is, though, I’m not touring much these days, even before the Pandemic, so this one features a few essays — like why Spotify is evil — and chapters about my students, embracing winter, and why I love Dollywood. There’s also some goofy stuff like “Things You Should Never Say to a Musician.” Number one is “Do you have insurance on that?” If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to be an influencer on YouTube — yep, I’ve been called that — there’s a chapter on that, too.

Right now that first draft is with a few first readers. Those are the people who read it and tell me what they think. Is it boring? Entertaining? Was that list of things you should never say to your guitar teacher as funny as I think it is? Do I whine too much about Spotify? You know, regular stuff. I’ll make some edits based on their recommendations.

The next step is to find a publisher, then get this puppy out, hopefully before the end of this year, I’ll keep y’all posted. Maybe this one will be out at a time when I can do in-person book events. Or maybe the fools who don’t wear masks will ruin it for us and I’ll have to do virtual events. However it happens, it’ll happen. Meanwhile, you can pick up one of my other books, Drive All Night, and An Army of Lovers: Women’s Music of the Seventies and Eighties. And remember, if you’re my age, don’t drive all night.

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Performing in a Pandemic


I lost months of gigs during the pandemic. Stuck at home I did what many artists did – I created. No nasty virus was going to keep me from making music. I got busy setting up concerts on Facebook and Zoom. And I wrote songs.

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Posted in Folk music, music, Playing the guitar, Playing the ukulele | Tagged , , , , | 9 Comments

Funny songs for strange times

social distancingI hope everyone is staying safe. Comedy shows have been cancelled but it doesn’t mean you can’t laugh while you’re sequestered at home. Here are some songs about toilet paper, Purell (to the tune of “Jolene,” of course) and trying to remember what day it is, all from comedy singers. And of course I included a couple of my tunes.

I’ll start with Lisa Koch, one of the funniest humans on the planet, with her Pandemic Medley:


“I Wanna Know What Day It Is” made me howl with laughter. Scared the neighbors. And yes, we’re all in our houses — that’s how loud I can be.


This parody is by talented duo Emma’s Revolution. There’s some serious stuff here but I loved “From a distance Trump’s still an idiot.”


I wrote this in the early days of social isolation. I commented to someone that I didn’t know why people were rushing to buy toilet paper. I’d go right for the chocolate.


And what time of social isolation would be complete without these songs?


Stay healthy and keep laughing.

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An Army of Lovers Saves Me from a Nightmare on Commercial Street

AnArmyLoversCoverFirst things first. MY SECOND BOOK IS OUT! I am the proud mama of An Army of Lovers: Women’s Music of the ‘70s and ‘80s. A fan described the book well; she also pumped up my already-substantial musician’s ego: “I am really enjoying An Army of Lovers both as a great read and a must-have reference book. The inside stories from the artists, technicians, and producers; the anecdotes from the genre’s early beginnings; the evolution. It’s all there, well-documented, and indexed. Best 20 bucks I’ve spent in a long time. Thank you!” Thanks to Stella Shelton and to everyone else who has taken the time to respond about the book. If you want your own book, get it here or at any indie bookstore. It’s available at Amazon and <gasp> Walmart too but it’s good karma if you get it from my publisher or a bookstore.

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Open mikes: they’re more than lousy guitar players

open mikeA wanna-be rock star mashes through chords he can barely play while singing notes unknown to humankind as you sit, patiently waiting your turn to perform. Many of us have been there.

There’s an open mike in my town that I’ve been to a few times. It’s on a night when I teach so I only attend a couple of times a year when I get some cancellations, and I go to promote my music lessons. I first went a few years ago. The evening was packed with beginners staring at their music while lurching through cover tunes. There were a few gems, of course, like the awesome guitarist who always chooses fun songs or the singalongs presented by one of the hosts. Even without my pesky work hours it wouldn’t be enough to keep me coming back.  Continue reading

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_MG_5065When I first got the day hospice gig, I envisioned beds filled with weak looking people, surrounded by solemn loved ones, my soothing music helping them rest. Turns out they’d rather hear “Ob-la-di, Ob-la-da” or “Wagon Wheel.” I play in a comfortable living room. Not a bed in sight. There’s usually a raucous card game going on as a volunteer pushes a cart with snacks and juice served in elegant wine glasses.

I always look for Andrew* when I arrive for my shift. A middle-aged guy in casual clothes, brown hair carefully combed to the side, he was thin and moving slowly when I first met him a year ago. Even though he kids me about the ukulele I’ve caught him tapping his foot while I played. Turns out he just likes to hassle me since he plays a “superior” instrument, the guitar.

After being away for the summer I came in for my shift. I moved a chair, unfolded the music stand and pulled the ukulele out of the case. While I tuned I looked around for Andrew. I didn’t see him and my first thought was, Did he pass? I always wonder that when I see someone one week and not the next. It could simply be that they recovered or went to another hospice, however, it could be the inevitable. Fifteen minutes passed before Andrew strolled into the room with an energetic step. He looked better than that first time, his color robust, so my thoughts switched to something more positive – maybe he was recovering?

I don’t know anything about Andrew’s health. We aren’t allowed to ask why the clients are there unless they bring it up, we only provide art projects, card games, food, massage, and music. I’m usually background music to a decibel busting card game. Someone plays a good hand and they all scream with laughter, then point fingers at Andrew, accusing him of having cards up his sleeve. I don’t care that they find poker more interesting than my music. They’re there to enjoy themselves and perhaps forget about hospitals and what their last test revealed. Once in a while I see a foot tapping or lips moving to the lyrics, maybe a smile or a nod my way. Sometimes they clap. Usually they don’t. They don’t know I’ve been touring over thirty years or that I have eleven albums. It doesn’t matter.

Andrew told me he likes Credence Clearwater Revival so one week I brought in songs for him. Partway through “Bad Moon Rising” I realized what a poor choice it was: “I hear hurricanes a-blowing/I know the end is coming soon/I fear rivers over flowing/I hear the voice of rage and ruin.” I switched to “Down on the Corner.” An upbeat song about buskers was much better.

One week I brought the guitar. Andrew grinned and commented, “You brought the big boy!” “Big girl” I corrected and we laughed.

I’m bad at names. I remember Andrew because he’s there every time. He doesn’t recall my name and sometimes he looks confused when I bring up his guitar playing, like he can’t fathom how I know he plays. Some weeks we’ve had conversations about kinds of music and guitars but his meds probably scramble his brain. As long as he enjoys our talks in the moment, it’s good.

Andrew’s not the only regular client and there are some I only see once. One day an elderly gentleman slowly lowered himself into a recliner near me. A volunteer covered his lap with a blanket. He confided that he couldn’t sing or remember the words to anything. I assured him that I didn’t care. When I got to the chorus of “Brown Eyed Girl” I invited him to sing along. He softly sang in a creaky voice, “La-la-la la-la-la-la …”  “See, you can remember the words!” I complimented. A smile lit up his face.

One of the clients is a young woman in her thirties. She wears a turban and sits next to to a tank of oxygen.  As I was packing up one day she smiled and commented that she liked those old songs. Old songs? Did she not hear me play “Riptide?” Okay, one song out of thirty that was written after 1980 does not count, especially when you’re her age. I had to give my musician’s ego a firm “down girl.”

I was strumming a rhythmic song one day and looked up to see a thin woman, half her jaw missing but still smiling and bouncing up and down. “I love that song” she exclaimed after I was done, telling me how much she loves that band. “Do you know anything else by them?” I didn’t but she was happy to boogie along to the next song I did. I only saw her that one time.

The volunteers are sweet. Most are older women. They sit near clients, talking or getting them something to drink. One gives them hand massages. One, in her eighties, is usually dressed in pastels, her white hair carefully curled. She claps to my faster songs, usually off beat. She sings, even though she doesn’t always know the words.

Because the clients are pretty mobile and only there for the day, I didn’t think that anyone actually went there to die, like it was Hospice Light. We just get them out of their house, give their caretakers a break, and offer social time and something to do. However, one day one of the volunteers leaned down to me between songs and quietly said, “A client passed in one of the back rooms. He’ll be wheeled down the hallway and when that happens there’s a moment of silence.” I’d almost forgotten until a few minutes later she said softly, “It’s time.” I’d been singing Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah.” I stopped. We all turned toward the hall as a group of people, heads bowed, pushed a covered gurney slowly by. A minute later, the raucous card game resumed and I finished “Hallelujah,” fighting the tears.


Musicians, if you’re looking for a great volunteer gig, consider playing at a hospital or a hospice. You don’t have to be a harpist warbling hymns. Clients may prefer “Rock You Like a Hurricane” to “Amazing Grace.”

*The names and some of the details have been changed.



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Getting started with the ukulele

_MG_5065You’ve purchased this cool little instrument, now what? In this post I’ll show you how to hold it plus a simple strum and a few chords.

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Guitar fingerpicking made easy

guitar close upYou’ve got a few strums under your guitar strap and now you’re ready to move on. If you want to play songs like “House of the Rising Sun,” “Blackbird” or “Hallelujah” you need to know how to fingerpick. Like anything else with playing the guitar, if you break it down, play it slow and practice, you’ll get there. Continue reading

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He played real good for free: live music in New York City

20190322_185111This is a travelogue of my recent trip to the Big Apple. I promise it’ll be more interesting than your Aunt Edna’s slide show of her trip to Boca. I discovered lots of great music, much of it for free in the subway stations (but of course I tipped them). I also heard a phenomenal jazz band, visited a cool funky music store and saw two top notch musicals. Continue reading

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